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How to Read a Balance Sheet (and the other statements)
Welcome (3:49)
What's New
Module 1 - Introduction to Accounts I - Balance Sheet
Welcome Video (2:13)
Resources - Introduction to Accounts for Analysts
Structure of the Course (6:58)
First Things First - How to Approach the Accounts (3:40)
Audit Report (8:12)
Balance Sheet - Fixed Assets (11:36)
Exercise - Fixed Assets
Exercise - Fixed Assets: Suggested SOLUTION
Bringing Operating Leases on Balance Sheet - IFRS 16 etc
Balance Sheet - Goodwill (5:15)
Balance Sheet - Other Long Term Assets (4:33)
Exercise - Intangibles
Exercise - Intangibles: Suggested SOLUTION
Balance Sheet - Current Assets (12:24)
Balance Sheet - Current Liabilities (5:17)
Balance Sheet - Longer Term Liabilities: Pensions (3:27)
Exercise: Pensions
Exercise - Pensions: Suggested SOLUTION (3:14)
Balance Sheet - Longer Term Liabilities (3:00)
Equity and Other Comprehensive Income Statement (2:19)
Balance Sheet Wrap-up (0:56)
Related Party Transactions (5:58)
Concluding Video (0:40)
Module 2 Introduction to Accounts II - P&L
Welcome Video (0:54)
Module Introduction (0:45)
P&L - Revenue (6:22)
P&L - Gross Margin (2:52)
Exercise - Gross Margin
Exercise - Gross Margin: Suggested SOLUTION
P&L - Expenses (5:31)
P&L - Margins (2:56)
Exercise - Expenses and Margins
Exercise - Expenses and Margins: SOLUTION
P&L - Interest (3:57)
P&L - Other (2:37)
P&L- non-GAAP (3:02)
Stock Based Compensation
P&L - Wrap-up (0:46)
Concluding Video (0:33)
Module 3 Introduction to Accounts III - Cash Flow
Welcome Video (1:01)
Introduction to the Cash Flow Statement (0:42)
Structure of Cash Flow Statement (2:37)
Operating Cash Flow - Ontex Example (6:06)
Exercise - Depreciation
Exercise - Depreciation: Suggested Solution
Cash from Investing (3:03)
Cash from Financing (4:05)
Buying Assets with Paper (4:38)
Amazon's Cash Flow - A Critical Review
Acquisitions in the Cash Flow - Worked Example (7:30)
Exercise - Cash Flow
Exercise - Cash Flow: Suggested Solution
Wrap up (0:53)
Concluding Video (1:05)
Module 4 Introduction to Accounts IV - Accounting Policies
Welcome Video (1:15)
Introduction to Accounting Policies (4:28)
Accounting Policies 2 - Changes (16:38)
Accounting Policies 3 - FX Rates etc (5:15)
Accounting Policies 4 - Revenue Recognition etc (5:11)
Accounting Policies 5 - Other Issues and Materiality (2:18)
Accounting Policies 6 - APMs (2:06)
Accounting Policies 7 - Things to Watch Out For (1:26)
Accounting Policies 8 - Wrap-up (0:28)
Accounting Policies Exercise
Concluding Video (1:11)
Module 5 Introduction to Accounts V - Accounting Shenanigans
Welcome Video (0:50)
Introduction to Shenanigans (6:50)
Revenue Recognition Tricks (6:31)
Cash Flow Manipulation (4:20)
Tricks with Expenses (3:27)
Balance Sheet and Wrap-up (4:37)
Exercise - Samsonite
Exercise - Samsonite: Suggested Solution
Concluding Video (0:41)
Module 6 - Introduction to Accounts VI Financial Ratios
Welcome Video (0:59)
Introduction to Financial Ratios (2:19)
Approach to Ratios (3:52)
P&L Ratios (6:15)
Returns 1 - RoCE (6:33)
Returns 2 - ROIC (5:22)
Returns 3 - ROIC and CROCI (8:35)
Working Capital Ratios (2:00)
Liquidity Ratios (4:47)
Solvency Ratios (5:54)
Wrap-up on Ratios (0:51)
Exercise - Financial Ratios
Financial Ratios Exercise Solution
Concluding Video (0:32)
Module 7 - Introduction to Analysis
Welcome Video (1:03)
Introduction to Analysis, Ratios and Other Tools (1:41)
P&L - Internal and Revenue Analysis (2:51)
Gross and EBIT Margin Trends (4:17)
Margins vs Peers (4:49)
Adjusted Earnings (1:17)
Balance Sheet including Working Capital Ratios (5:11)
Returns (1:36)
Analytical Short Cuts (2:36)
Wrap-Up (1:23)
Closing Video (0:48)
Module 8 - Accounts Course Closing Module
Closing Video (1:19)
Exercise - Gross Margin: Suggested SOLUTION
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